Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Deep Breath

In less than 24 hours I will be leaving my baby for FOUR AND A HALF DAYS! I know I know, it will be good for me, Chris and I need to get away, you have NOTHING to worry about and although I strongly believe all those things and am leaving him, in what are sometimes, even better hands than mine (if there is such a thing:) I am having some issues:) SOO if you think of me in the next four days, please say a little (or big) prayer!

So, where are we going? Wednesday through Friday we will be here:
with over 12,000 people and some of our dear friends...I would link the video but I dont know how so go to the page and check it out!


  1. you made it!!!! We had so much fun with ya'll. I'm sure you just kissed Caden's face off!!! I was so happy to see my boys. See you tomorrow~

  2. I'm sure it was hard to leave Caden, but from what I've heard, Catalyst was way worth it! :) We missed y'all! :)
