Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Yesterday was a great day. Chris and I have only been in Shelbyville since August (so about 4 months now), and have been attending First Baptist Church of Shelbyville for about that long too. I really cannot express what a blessing this church, particularly the people in our Sunday School class have been. In four short months, I already feel like we have connected with so many people in the class, not only on a surface level, but on a "true friendship" level. An incredible example of this was yesterday afternoon. My good friend Sherry hosted a baby shower for me, and invited the ladies of our Sunday School class. There was such a great turnout, and there were four or five people who could not that sent gifts anyway. The food was great and the presents were amazing! (we got so much stuff for baby Caden:) but the best part was the fellowship. They way Sherry has so willingly opened her home since day 1 of Chris and I being here, and the way that all the girls are so genuine and really do want to know how I am doing. I remember a couple of months ago when I was having an "I'm freaking out about being pregnant" moment I emailed a few girls in the class that had just had babies (and I really thought they may think I was crazy because at this point I hardly knew them.) and within 24 hours all of them had written me back the most encouraging emails. Everyone is just so open and willing to share things with us. It is so neat to walk into Sunday School (or our bible fellowship party:) every Sunday and be surrounded by so many couples who are striving to grow in their marriage and in their walk with the Lord. To me, there is nothing as important as a relationship with Christ and those who you can walk beside everyday and share it with.

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